
This is the "invite-mail" to the 2007 exhibition. Keeping a copy here for reference or if mail attachments goes wrong.

Greetings and salutations.

You have initially been accepted for The (deviant) Art Festival!
We sincerely look forward to working with you on this project.
Last year we had about 20 Artists visiting Sweden working with the show.
This year it seems like it will grow to about 40-50 Artists and more venues.
We will now start to personally get in contact with each one of you about specifics regarding your work and your engagement in the festival.
Apart from our official deviant blog, we have also created an unofficial blog: http://deviant-participants.blogspot.com/
Which you will shortly be invited to become a contributor to.
This blog is supposed to work as a message/information board for everyone involved in (deviant) Art events. Here you might ask others for help with a certain project, get knowledge about Trollhättan from former exhibitors or make announcements.

Once we’ve agreed about the details of the exhibition and what work you will be showing we will start to publish a short statement with a picture on the (deviant) Art Festival Blog for the audience, the media (last year we were covered by several newspapers, Magazines and TV) and for you to get an idea of who you will be working with. If we don’t have sufficient information in your application for these posts you will be asked to submit additional info.

The festival runs from the 14th to 29th of July. Setting up and installation will happen in the weeks before (obviously). According to your type of work we will require you to attend the festival for certain lengths of time. One of the aims of the festival is to create networks between artists form Britain and the rest of the world. We expect that all applicants will be at the festival in person at some point. We need your help; what type of festival would it be without the artists? Who will build and race the boats? Who will come up with ideas for site-specific, temporary pieces or performances? Please make every effort to come along, even if your work is 2D and you are having it shipped. It is a wonderful opportunity and a great holiday as well!

When taking part in The (deviant) Art Festival you will be expected to not only participate as an individual but also take part and support other artist’s projects. You will be asked to dedicate 3-4hours (not exactly taxing eh?) during your stay, doing Festival related jobs. i.e. serving as an invigilator/staff at the venues, photographing-filming, documenting
other artist’s during their performances at various locations or simply lending a helping hand to other artist when needed.

We will try to arrange another get-together soon for applicants where we can meet and you can ask questions and get to know each other.

If you have any urgent questions not suitable for mail correspondence you can contact us on phone:

Fred Lindberg: UK: 079 10188446 Sweden: 0046 704 323340
Joanna Agerborn: UK: 079 62424741 Sweden: 0046 76 2357653

Useful links:

(deviant) website: www.deviantartfestival.com
(deviant) official blog: http://deviantartfestival.blogspot.com/
(deviant) unofficial blog, mostly for participants:
Town of Trollhättan website: http://fallensdagar.vastsverige.com/
Tourist site: http://www.visitsweden.com

In the meantime, please read the information below carefully, Yours deviantly,

Fred and Joanna


The (deviant) Art Festival Venues I: The Contemporary Museum/ Gallery: Konsthallen
This is the biggest exhibition space included in the 2007 (deviant) Art Festival.

Konsthallen have had a broad variety of international shows with artists such as Yoshio Nakajima, Bill Brandt, Vassil Simittchiev, Joseph Beuys, Heber Springs, Bernd und Hilla Becher, Dan Wolgers, Hiroshi Koyama and Robert Heusser just to mention a few.

The (deviant) Art Festival Venues II: The Pumphuset Gallery
This space was the main gallery at the 2006 festival.

The Pump house was built in 1907 and was used as a pump station for Trollhättans first water cleansing facility, in the early 70’s the massive pump machinery was taken out of the building that would still be kept in its original state because it was labelled as “culture heritage”.
Since then the Pump house stood empty until the Trollhättan contemporary museum (Konsthallen) decided to use this building as an additional exhibition space during the summer season.

The (deviant) Art Festival Venues III: MOCAP (Museum Of Contemporary Art Periphery)

MOCAP is a somewhat conceptual Gallery placed in the centre of Trollhättan; the Gallery consists of monitors and speakers in a shop window facing the main shopping street.
This space is dedicated to time based medium and film works.

The (deviant) Art Festival additional Venues:

Photo work will be shown at “The Brick Wall” in the Community Centre. We are planning happenings and performances with various artists in the river, the town square, the deep Trollhättan woods and some islands located in the river next to one of the venues . There are also plans to have a “Projection Gallery” space solely showing recently produced artists films. Also there will be a poetry and music performance night in a Jazz bar, intervening with the ongoing “Waterfall (/beer) Festival and of course “The Beginning” and “The End of Deviancy” party’swill take place as usual.


For this we have already received some funding. We are planning to have one shipment leaving London going to Trollhättan-Sweden and back. Artists will be required to provide us with their artworks in London before shipment date (not yet decided). At this point we are not planning any shipping payouts to individual artists. This may change pending on success with our fund hunt.

Apart from some shipping funding we have also have secured money for various publications i.e. flyers, posters ads and a catalogue. We will need images for these, more to follow…


Funding for travel & living expenses for artists has been applied for but nothing is certain at this point. If we receive any of these funds we will distribute them as “refunds” a.s.a.p in a “first come, first served” manner. i.e. Let us know when you have made your arrangements and booked your tickets and you will be placed on a “possible refund” list.

Just like last years festival we are looking for Artists eager enough to pay for their own expenses, it proves to attract the more dedicated people and, as suggested, going to the festival in Sweden is not that expensive and a great summer trip!
If you have any special reasons why you would have more trouble with this than any of the other artists, let us know and we will take these specific reasons into consideration.


Trollhättans Camping Hjulkvarnelund, A city campsite in a forest setting, yet right in the middle of town! This site is located a short walk from shops, restaurants and only a 2 minute walk from The Pump House Gallery.

This is where most of the (deviant) Art Festival participants will stay during the exhibition.

The campsite has modern kitchen, bathroom and toilet facilities but there Is also a bathhouse with several pools close to the camping.

Camp site slots for tents, caravans, vans etc. is £10/Night.
This price is not each, i.e. 4 people in tent equal £2.50 each.
2-4 person tents are available in Trollättan stores from £15

2-5people cabins with beds are also available at Trollhättan Camping.
Per bed, per night: £10 (Each person pays this price, cabins must be full.)

Contact Address:
Trollhättans Camping Hjulkvarnelund.
Kungsportsvägen 7, 461 39 Trollhättan, Sweden

Phone: 0046 (0)520-306 13
Fax: 0046 (0)520-329 61
Mail: folketspark.trollhattan@telia.com
Web: http://www.camping.se/templates/product____232.aspx?prodId=2898

STF Hostel Centrally situated in Trollhättan. (10 min walk from Pumphuset Gallery and main Museum.) Self-catering in the kitchen or breakfast can be served. Double or family rooms. Common showers and toilets. Close to the train station in the centre of Trollhättan.

Price: Per bed, per night: £9.55-12.75 (135 - 180 SEK)

Contact Address:

Trollhättans Vandrarhem (Hostel)
Tingvallavägen 12, 46132 Trollhättan, Sweden

Phone: 0046 (0)520 129 60
Fax: 0046 (0)520 388 50
Mail: trollhattansvandrarhem@telia.com
Web: http://www.svenskaturistforeningen.se/

We will provide you with contact info on other artists so you can book cheaper accommodation together. We have also set up a discussion forum blog where you can all exchange ideas and tips, remember that 20 of the artists were in Sweden last year and can provide you with knowledge about the festival. We will naturally also be available to help out if you run in to
complications regarding your arrangements.


From £60 return ticket, London-Gothenburg with Ryan Air.

From £45 return ticket, London-Gothenburg with Fly Me.

(Both prices are including taxes, looked up in March 2007.)

IMPORTANT! The longer you wait booking your ticket the more expensive it might get.

Airport coach, Gothenburg airport-Gothenburg Central station: £3.50
Train from Gothenburg Central station to Trollhättan Central, £5

Join us by the Trollhätte´ River for some Art, solitude or maybe a nice cold beer!

The (deviant) Art Festival, Sweden 2007.

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