Hey! I wanted to go to Sweden :(

The (deviant) Art Festival together with Peter Rich and Greg Sodegren invites (deviant) participants to submit work for a special edition of DEVIANT WRITERS ZINE 09.
It will be released during the exhibition in Sweden. Mr Rich & Mr Sodegren are in charge of Drunken Boot Publishing which release UNEXPECTED ITEM on regular basis in London.
This art writing zine keeps presenting memorable works of poetry, short stories and text art etc. made by contemporary artists.
The deadline for entries is APRIL 15th.
Further news or info will be posted at this blog so REMEBER to check back before mailing questions about information that is already available in this forum.
(If you prefer FaceBook, there is a Group for (deviant) participants there also that will post same news and info as this blog: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=71896406360 )
HALLelujah !
Please submit a CD of proposed artworks (maximum 6 jpegs); a current CV, a brief explanation of work or proposal of planned work, together with contact details and a stamped addressed envelope for return of material, if required to: Janie Nicoll, 212 West Princes Street, Glasgow, G4 9DL.
Deadline for submissions Monday 2nd March. For more info email janienicoll@yahoo.co.uk
Deviant Artists are invited to supply images for poster exhibit in ÖREBRO, Sweden.
Impressed with the high quality of artworks exhibited in The (deviant) Art Festival 2007, KONSTHALLEN Gallery in ÖREBRO are now working on a grand scale project called Art Open Örebro, and are exclusively inviting Deviant Artists to supply the artworks for a poster exhibit.
Art Open Örebro, the exhibition will be on June 5 - August 17 this year. This event has many well known artists and different aspects of how and what type of work they are presenting.
As a part of the Art Open Örebro exhibition they will print big scale outdoor-posters of artworks and put these up on building walls in the central city of Örebro.
We are keen to make this collaboration happen but are relying on you to submit to us images and image proposals for consideration. The deadline is VERY tight.
What's in it for you:
-Each artist who gets an image selected for a poster will get 200-pounds.
AND gets to keep the poster after it has been exhibited in Sweden.
-The image (or images) you submit can be anything. Drawing, painting,
film still, photo art, performance documentation, collage etc.
-The posters will be between the size of 2x3 meters up to 15x10m
There is no medium limitations (for the image) and we can be controversial.
(Keep in mind thou, "controversial" doesn't mean the same to everyone,
personally i got the feeling that they are looking for some sort of twist,
or "quirkiness" that they thought us "deviants" represent).
-The selection process and the decision made by The (deviant) Art Festival and Art Open Örebro curators are final.
Pls submit the following before 24th April. Thursday next week!
(Submission does not guarantee participation)
1. Send an existing image (or several) to this mail: only2fred@gmail.com
(for now the proposed image you send does not have to be good enough for print, i.e. not high res)
2. You can submit a 'proposal' / sketch of an image you would like to make for the poster exhibit.
(Try to explain the finished piece by sketch or text if you want. ARTY-STATEMENTS IS NOT ASKED FOR, we only want to understand the physical form of your proposed image)
TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR FINAL IMAGE: (due at short notice after 24th April.)
-Image has to be at least 300-dpi.
(-Taken with at least 9-10 megapixel camera.)
-Size of image should be approximately 100x70cm.
(For example: 60x95cm is no problem, 80x100cm is no problem,
but 10x7cm is a problem.)
-Preferably it should be in RAW format.
(JPEG might work if quality is good enough.)
PLEASE NOTE: The low res images you send for preselection soon have to available in high res version if your image is selected for poster production.
It could be possible if you use a good enough scanner to scale the image up and get better resolution if original has good quality.
Separate email about The (deviant) Art Festival 2008 to follow!
Shit TV (with Charlotte & Fred) in NYC & on TV!
We're very excited to announce that Shit TV (with Charlotte & Fred) is going to be included in a group show
at New Gallery Catalog, New York, called
The Guy Debord Show.

The new S(h)ituationist-themed episode will be stream on ustream.tv, after Fox News (!) on Monday, 19th November at 11:30pm, East Coast time (4.30am GMT).
Shit TV will be discussing the impact of Situationism on culture and art, interviewing members of the public and members of the private to get their points of view, recreating some of the defining moments of SI and hanging about in toilets. All the regular Shit TV segments will be featured, such as 'Shitty Things', 'Hunt the Dump' 'Charlotte Talks Shit', and 'And now for something Completely Shit', but with a Situationist twist.
Don't forget to tune in!
Charlotte and Fred
Deviant Moments 2007 in Retrospective!
Barrel Push

Here is some of the documentation of my work Barrel Push (photos taken by Kate V Robertson).
Paul was crowned "Lord of the Pub" after getting a time of 30.3 seconds at the last minute. Lots of fun was had by all.
If these images are to be used for the official blog please could you make sure Kate is accredited.
I had a blast at the festival.
So long....farewell....
One thousand million thank yews for letting me have the chance to be a deviant, even if only for a while. Shame about my dire lack of funds and subsequent non-socialising abilities, if any of you visit Birmingham I shall buy you a bevy.
Got a nice couple of shots of Fred's work here...

And this one kind of sums up all the deviants for me...

So, have a blast. Kruse
Good Luck!!!
Karen D. Havens
Barrel Push - David Stamp

Barrel Push - David Stamp
Sunday 22nd July - racing starts 12'noon sharp
Location - TBC
Barrel Push is a Sisyphean contestant to see who can push an empty keg up a hill the fastest. In the week running up to the race a makeshift pub will be made and erected on the summit of the hill. On race day each participant will take it in turns to try and set the time for the fastest Barrel Push. After the allotted 3 hours of racing time, in which period participants can do as many runs as they want, the quickest contestant will be crowned "Lord of the Pub" and will don the ceremonial top hat. This 'coronation' will be marked by a celebratory drink.
A BBQ will also be held at the pub so come along and spend the day as spectator, participant or eater of charred meat but above all come and revel in the absurd.
Barrel Push is a new work by David Stamp who's work is concerned with the ways in which we associate with our environment and the significances we place on particular activities and events. Stamp is fascinated both with traditional festivals, rites and the nostalgic longing to live in harmony with our environment. Working within a research-based practice he takes an idiosyncratic view of cultural phenomenon, often drawing on game play, competition and re-enactment.
Along with such past works as Bartertown, in which 2 men inhabited a tiny Hebridean islet for 7 seven days and decided who owned it each day by playing a darts match each day at 12'noon, Stamp's work also includes an ongoing series called Wiseman. Wiseman is an alter ego of the artist - an uber-armchair-survivalist who ineptly uses sources of information such as the SAS Survival Handbook as a guide to show him how to ‘get back to his roots’. In this way Wiseman is used to confront ideas of self-sufficiency and the sense of loss that afflicts modern man. Past works in this series has seen Wiseman attempt to make animal traps out of Ikea furniture (Fördömda Kanin, 2004) and survive off the land (6 Day Wiseman, 2006). However the most recent work in the series is Reach - a synchronised dual video projection that sees Wiseman face, once again, the wilderness embodied as a giant rabbit.
The Poster n Programme
This years poster, seen here adorning the Pumphuset door, is designed by Deduction(aka Martin Hultqvist), whose done the graphic design for the whole festival (including the fabulous new website: www.deviantartfestival.com) and features an image by (deviant)artist Karin Gunnarsson

and here in portrait.
the Programme in English is here. . .
Welcome to (DEVIANT)ART FESTIVAL 2007. Listed here are the performances and events that will occur between the 13th and the 28th of July. In edition to these scheduled events there will also be site-specific sculpture and installations by Al Wildblood, Beth Collar, Miranda Peake and Janie Nicoll and ongoing performance projects by Cai Nayahoe, Sayshun Jay, Giles Hinchcliff Daniel Lehan, Charlie Tweed and Faye Peacock happening all around Trollhättan. For locations and more information see maps available at the Konsthallen and the Pumphuset.
Friday 13th
KONSTHALLEN Private View 18.00 - 21.00
Iovar Lubomirov “Me me me”
Virginia Chandler “Untitled” Performance
19.00 “three birds in a box” performance by Matt Blackler, Giles Hinchcliff and Sayshun Jay
Saturday 14th
PUMPHUSET Private View 18.00 - Late
Iovar Lubomirov “me me me”
Virginia Chandler ”Untitled” Performance
19.00 “(H)Appy Logies” Performs “Body Signifier”
Sunday 15th
ELSEWHERE - Kungsgatan
All day "Weathered" a performance by Robert Luzar; Street drawing on a serious scale.
Monday 16th
22.00 Giles Hinchcliff begins his 72 hour shed performance.
Tuesday 17th
Wednesday 18th
12-19.00 Beth Collar drawing workshop. Come and make portraits of insects that have died in your house. Bring the dead flies and moths that have perished on your windowsills. All Welcome.
Thursday 19th
11.00 Explorer and artist Olaf Rhar will set sail for the remote Archipelago of the Lövön Islands of the Göta Älv in order to establish a new country, “the republic of Swingland”
18.58 “Listen Here” Elizabeth McTernan.
A tree falls in the woods of Eastport, Maine, USA, and we will be here to hear it. Location still to be announced.
22.00 Giles Hinchcliff finishes his 72 hour shed performance.
Friday 20th
MUSIC NIGHT 18.00 – late
Aidan Quigley, The Man From the Woods, Songs of Dragon, The Peace and many more, finishing off with a performance:
“Craven vs Craven” artists Cai Nyahoe and Angus Braithwaite battle it out.
Saturday 21st
15.00 “the emperors final garment” Aidan Quigley
16.00 (H)Appy Logies performance “Home (provisory title for permanent foundations)”
17.00 “Birds of Paradise” – Angus Braithwaite & Corinne Mynatt
18.00 The BeerBoys perform in Isamu Krieger´s “Skin Suits“
Sunday 22nd
David Stamp’s “Barrel Push” is a public competition not to be missed. Time and location will be announced during the week.
Monday 23rd
23.00 Olaf Rhar and his expedition returns and celebrates with fireworks.
Tuesday 24th
12-16.00 “Painting Competition”: All the (Deviant)Artists, whether painters or not, are pitched against each other. You, the public, will vote for who is the winner…
19.00 Award Ceremony
Wednesday 25th
POETRY NIGHT in English and Swedish12.00 – late
12-16.00 “Poetry Workshop” with Frog Morris
16.30 Frog Morris and Johan Lindblom
17.00 Open Mic
Thursday 26th
Artists in action
Friday 27th
Artists in action
Saturday 28th
Grand finale - The Artists Boat Race
ATTENTION PLEASE: official blogging
Dear Deviants,
were getting excited about your imminent arrival here in sunny Trollhättan.
But we still need an up to date Official Blog.
We need each of you to post a little Blog entry here. Please write a short text about you as an artists and about your piece/pieces for the festival. Also include an Image where possible and appropriate.
If you cant manage that then please email proposal@deviantartfestival.com ASAP with the same information.
please be quick. I'm busy enough as it is preparing/repairing the Pumhouse without having to follow you all up.
please also email with a copy of your CV's The staff at the Konsthallen need to see them so they can study them and answer any questions about the work.
see you soon,
this is the Konsthallen
this is the lovely Joanna relaxing with a fag in the Pumphuset, before the work.
Cabin Share ?
I am in contact with another artist who, like me, is planning to travel to the festival on the 11th, and return to London on the 18th of July.
If anyone needs two people to complete a cabin bnooking, then please let me know.
With Best Wishes
07957 172 133
Some art
Iavor Lubomirov
SHIPPED! a photo story
The Artists in front of their crates, happy, but maybe slightly crazed.
The crate artist, hugo, at rest in his natural invironment.
bored shittless.
The lorry arrives, finally, at 4 oclock.
Packed in and ready to go! total loading time: 24minutes: whoop! hot shit on wheels! mission accomplished!
the work will arrive on tuesday/wednesday in the trolls bonnett...
Faye Peacock and Robert Luzar @ Camberwell Arts Festival... Schedule :
Dianna Brinsden & Martina Von Holn
Junction of Camberwell Green/Denmark Street/Camberwell New Road, SE5
June 22
Friday 10am -12pm & 2 -4pm
A collaborative exploration of transitory spaces through a series of
interventions, which travel within the framework of the changing
phases of traffic light circuits. Between green and red, walk and
wait, travel and rest, the two performers are embarking on a
continuous journey from one axis of the road to the next while
exploring ways of challenging public behaviour patterns.
* * *
Seymour Bros
Grove Lane, SE5
June 22
Friday, 11am – 4.30pm
Lucille Power requests the pleasure of your company for tea and cakes
in Seymour Bros.
Sweet Obscenities is an exploration of the power of spoken language,
acts of domestic transformation, and how appearances are not always as
they appear at first glance. Harvesting obscene and profane language,
Lucille Power transforms these unappetizing insults into sweet morsels
to be tasted, eaten and swallowed.
* * *
June 22
Friday, 1.00 - 3.30pm
We are taught to handle books with respect.
However, inspired by Joe Orton's and Kenneth Halliwell's defacing of
books in 1967 at Islington Public Library, Davina and Daniel's Gorilla
In The Roses grants permission to cut and collage books, allowing
participants to create a 'micro library' of truly unique books at
Camberwell Public Library. The 'micro library' will remain in the
adult library on a marked shelf for one week. Contributors can then
return to collect their individual books.
* * *
Camberwell Green, SE5
June 22
Friday 2 - 6pm
Ever been tempted to leave a light on or leave the TV running while
you do something else? Ever wondered where all that electrical energy
comes from, or what life would be like without it? Get some exercise
and generate your own buzz with artist Tim Siddall's pedal-powered
electricity event.
Supported by Bright Green Energy
* * *
Phone Box
Denmark Hill (outside of Butterfly Walk Shopping Centre)
June 22
Friday 2 -4pm
This unique intervention involves you and a moment alone in a phone
box with a dictaphone and one request: Please record a list of people
who you miss.
The archive of voices, recollecting and listing people who are missed
will be uploaded to www.camberwellarts.org.uk at the end of the
* * *
Windsor Road, SE5
June 22
Friday 4 - 6pm
A performance involving drawing. Using his hands, covered in a chalk
pigment, the artist approaches a wall, located around a set of unused
houses on Windsor Road. In what seems to be a search, his hands touch
and scale the entire wall surface. Finally, a hidden design is
unveiled, transforming the hand marks, recording the artistic act into
a dazzling image.
* * *
Addington Square
June 22
Friday, from 9.30 – 10.30pm
Using a simple overhead projector, Harald Smykla will temporarily
redesign the nocturnal landscape of Addington Square. Its fluid
spatial reality, being redrawn onto itself within a square of light,
becomes plot and stage set for an unscripted midsummer play with our
perceptions of time and space, presence and absence.
* * *
Ann Lawlor
Camberwell Arts
c/o Camberwell Leisure Centre
Artichoke Place
Tel. 020 7708 8333
Mob. 07984 929148
Camberwell Arts Festival June 16 – June 24, 2007
A partnership between local artists and art organisations and
initiated by
Camberwell Arts, Camberwell College of Arts and South London Gallery
I've heard through the grapevine that there is a midsummer happening in hyde park, here is Karin's message, everyone still left in UK should try and come if they can:
- On Saturday afternoon from twelwe and onwards we're celebrating traditional (well, as close as you can get to that in London) Swedish Midsummer in Hyde park.
Come and join us and about 700 other homesick Swedes dancing around a huge fallos symbol, in Sweden known as "midsommarstång". Bring some picknick and seize the rare oppurtunity to see Swedes deliberately making foles of themselfes by dansing around the "midsommarstång" imitating frogs, being hunted by a bear och other such classics.
Walk toward Lancaster Gate from Marble Arch, on N Carrige Dr, or just follow the schnapps songs...Hope to see you there!
(H)Appy Logies performance
We, (H)Appy Logies, will be performing our piece HOME (provisory title for permanent foundations) this Friday22June, 9pm sharp, at Areat10 as part of the Camberwell Arts Festival.
HOME (provisory title for permanent foundations) explores the deconstruction of daily life's routine and gestures, and investigates the tools that we were given to survive daily domesticity's struggles. It also explores the dark side of woman desire, hysteria, despair, obsessional behaviour, and auto eroticism.
Please come and see us, it's the last occasion before we head to the fantastic Deviant fest in July!
Details are here:
It's cheap and we'd be very happy to see you there, come along and bring your friends!
More info: www.myspace.com/happylogies
or email us happylogies@gmail.com
DROP OFF TIMES (changed!)
on Thursday(21st June) you can drop off your work from 8am to 3pm.
the work is taken away at 4 o'clock on THURSDAY! so PLEASE get it to us on Wednesday if at all possible.
please make sure your work is well padded and securly packaged. We don't want any damage to occour in transit! and we have limited funds for packaging materials...
Shipping Update:
you must have your artwork to us at London Met in Whitechapel by this Thursday!
so we can have everything packed in and ready to be collected by Friday morning.
We are sorry to lay this on you quite so abruptly.
give us a ring to talk if you have any questions,
Beth: 07815 712 945
Sorry for this, but sorting out my final piece for my degree show got the best of me.
I will do whatever i can to help everyone out sorting this, call me if you have anything to ask about!
Fred/ o79 101 88446
I will probably get answer about the final shipping date from the company on Monday.
Will get back to you all asap, having the answer.
Lots of love/ Fred
Ps. If something cant be arranged regarding this matter, i will personally travel back to London before the festival to deal with it.
So, still want to come, but struggling.
I am booked into a cabin from Thursday the 12th until the 20th, but am going to change this booking to Wed 11th until Monday 16th (check-out day). I was supposed to be taking this cabin with someone else who has had to drop out so does any body want to share? it'll be about £8 per night. Give me a buzz at susankruse@yahoo.com
Hope you all having a blast
Deviants other projects: John Cass Summer Show
please come along to the fine art degree show on Tuesday the 12th of June 6-8pm at:
london met university
central house
whitechapel high st
(directly opposite whitechapel art gallery, closest tube Aldgate East)
deviant artists and curators will be showing, these include: Fred, Joanna, Beth, Hugo Sterk, Aiden Quigley and that's it. i think.
Please come along for the craik. There will be a party afterwards at the rhythm factory.
Also, on the night expect performances from Fred&Greg who will be launching the 'ladys loos' tour, and there will be a performance from Aiden Quigley too.
The show runs from Wednesday the 13th till Sunday the 17th. and the opening times are as follows: 12-6 and 12-8, but i cant remember which days... i'll get back to that later...
hope to see you there,
regards/ crew
DEVAINT PRESS RELEASE: send out to everyone!
14th - 28th July 2007
Private View: Friday 13th July 6 - late pm
We are pleased to announce the arrival of (DEVIANT)ART FESTIVAL 2007, a two-week festival of cutting-edge art from the emerging British art scene, in Trollhättan, Sweden, curated by Fredrik Lindberg and Joanna Ageborn.
This year the Festival has almost quadrupled in size, with more than 50 exciting, young international artists travelling to Sweden and descending on Trollhättan, an hour from Gothenburg, during the two-week art event.
Last years festival was a spectacular success, and was repeatedly covered in Swedish print and broadcast media. This was what was said about it:
“you are currently the saviours of the contemporary art scene in this half of Sweden”- Goran Vogel-Rodin, former head of Konsthallen, and current head of the Art in Public Spaces project.
“A diverse and talented group of artists and filmmakers like this can create the art, make the television, entertain and shock the locals all in one seamless process.”- Alison Carter, journalist.
Bringing a uniquely deviant brand of art to the town and delivering a rich programme of events, workshops, film screenings and music and poetry nights, the festival is held in association with Konsthallen, Trollhättan’s major visual arts organisation, who are providing 3 major venues: the Museum of Contemporary Art, M.O.C.A.P. and the Pumphuset Gallery. However, with its strong emphasis on installation, performance, and site-specific works, the Festival’s main venue is Trollhättan itself.
The curators, building on the themes and atmosphere of last year’s pioneering show have decided to give this festival a distinct character by peppering the two weeks with competitions and happenings in the style of an Art Game-Show. So far plans include a time-limited painting competition where all artists present (whether painters by trade or not) will battle it out to become Trollhättan’s favourite painter, vying with each other for the public vote. There is also planned a repeat of last year’s mutinous artists’ boat race, where artists will be designing and building their own seafaring vessels to set sail across the great Göta Älv; one of the largest rivers in the whole of Sweden. More events are soon to be announced!
In the second week expect an interesting collision between the (DEVIANT)ART FESTIVAL and the famous Fallens Dagar where, over the long weekend of the 20th, 21st and 22nd of July many thousands of people come to Trollhättan for music, beer and the release of the famous waterfalls. Expect a faux-traditional barrel-rolling ‘happening’ from Glaswegian artist David Stamp, and a general crescendo of site-specific performance art, with artists and unsuspecting tourists coming face to face. Think of it as a deviant fringe.
We do hope you will join us for one or more of the Festival events. Please check our website for updates, and do not fail to get in touch for more information…
Let the games commence!
Open: Sun-Mon 12-16, Tues-Wed 12-19, Thurs 12-18, Sat 11-14
Kungsgatan 25 (i Folkets Hus/Kulturhuset)
Tel. +46 (0)520 - 49 64 53/49 64 54
Email: info@deviantartfestival.com
Web: www.deviantartfestival.com
Hope everyone is grand, and your preparations for this years festival are going well.
My name's Hannah and I'm writing to appeal for a little advice on Trollhatten and the local area.
As some of you may know, i plan to set up a French cafe on site for the first week of the festival. It will be a venue for people to come and share anecdotes, stories, theories and questions around the theme of identity and will become very much an anthropologic investigation. I will be taking on a new identity myself for the duration of the festival, and the cafe (traditionally a venue for discussion) will provide a relaxed forum for discussion, (as well as being a great place for all the artists to come and get their coffee!). I won't say too much about the project as I want you all to come to the cafe and ask me about it in person!
But on a logistics level does anyone know how easily I can obtain supplies such as fresh coffee, wine, basic foods etc (at a reasonable price) to sell in my cafe without too much of an early morning hike every day?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
See you all soon,
Forthcoming Events
Please email me at daniel@daniel-lehan.com if you are interested.
BonkersFest - A Celebration of Madness, Creativity and Individuality.
For this event I will be a Sandwich Board Man parading - Its A Mad Mad World ! - a collection of bizarre newspaper stories. Also appearing Bobby Baker, Kim Noble and John Hegley. 2nd June, Camberwell Green, London www.bonkersfest.com
Service Wash Tales - Camberwell Arts Festival - Live Art Programme. Customers at the laundry are invited to exchange stories about clothes. Each will be handwritten and given to the customer. Tumble Wash Launderette, 10.30 to 3.30pm. A collaborative work with Davina Drummond. 20th June, Camberwell, London. www.camberwellarts.org.uk/festival/live-art-programme
Peripatetic Proverbs - Camberwell Arts Festival - Live Art Programme. Inspired by the plethora of leaflets handed out on London streets, I have written and hand printed a series of proverbs on cards, which I will hand out to passers-by around Camberwell Green, 2.00 to 5.00pm. 21st June, Camberwell, London. www.camberwellarts.org.uk/festival/live-art-programme
Gorilla In the Roses - Camberwell Arts Festival - Live Art Programme. Inspired by Orton’s and Halliwell’s defacing of library books this work grants participants permission to similarly deface books, creating a ‘micro library’. Camberwell Public Library, 1.00 to 3.30 pm. A collaborative work with Davina Drummond. 22nd June, Camberwell, London. www.camberwellarts.org.uk/festival/live-art-programme
Peckham Petastic3 - Rachael House invites you to the canine art social event of the year!
I will be wearing DOG TAILS, a sandwich board with dog stories. With Marcia Farquhar, Simon Ould, WebsterGotts, Laura Wilson. A Space Station Sixty-Five satellite event. 23rd June, Peckham Square, London. www.camberwellarts.org.uk/festival/live-art-programme
Sub-posted on Aidans request:
>From: aidan quigley <aidanquigley@inbox.com>
>To: joannaageborn@hotmail.com
>Subject: accomodation
>Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 10:20:42 -0800
>'Hi My name is Aidan, you can see my home page at: www.aidanquigley.co.uk
>I will be arriving on the 20th and leaving on the 26th and i'd like to hook
>up with some people to book/share a cabbin in the folkets park during this
>time. If anyone is interested in doing this you can e-mail me at:
>love Aidan.
Deviant Artist Jainie Nicoll exhibits in Glasgow

click on image to see bigger version
and this link to see their blog:
ACCOMMODATION ARRANGEMENTS, Lovely past sunday meeting etc.
Hopefully we can have another gathering before the show to catch up and also meet some people that couldn't make it.
Me, Joanna and Beth all live around East London and might be available if anyone is passing by and need to ask some questions.
SWEDEN ARRANGEMENTS: (Also see invitation letter posted on this blog further down.)
When to arrive? We have a private view at Fri. 13th of Juli!
As previously stated some artist might just need to come the day before, and some need more time to set things up. (Some artists, having mainly a video piece or doing site specific performance may even come just for the second week, due to problems getting of work or other engagements.)
ACCOMMODATION: Cottages located next to the Pumphouse Gallery.
The campsite listed (scroll down) is where most artists will be staying during The (deviant) Art Festival. Please try and make your own arrangements! We will of course assist you if you have any problems. BUT, because of the fact that we don't want to force everyone to arrive and leave at the exact same date, it is to much work to arrange all the cottages for everyone. The cottages are 2,4&5bed cottages, and are paid in whole, NOT BY BED!!! I.e If you are 3people in a 4bed cottage, you still pay for 4beds. TRY and use this blog to hook up with other people staying the same dates as you.
Since there is also a "Waterfall festival" in Trollhättan at the same time, don't wait for to long or the cottages might be fully booked.
CAMPSITE/TENTS: (Same location as cottages.)
Tents for 2-3 people can be bought in Trollhättan for 20-30pounds.
The tent slots usually not get fully booked and is a late alternative.
A hostel is also listed further down, but i am not to informed about this.

Ps. Bill Aitchison contacted the British Council and got the reply
that we should get in touch with Roger Budd, their representative in
Sweden as he will have approve the applications.
I got in touch with Roger and this was his reply.
"Dear Fred. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to
help, because British Council Europe has undergone radical change this
year. All our work is now done on a regional, rather than a country,
level, which means we no longer have any in-country budget for
supporting initiatives like yours. The attached document explains a bit
more this new direction.
I know you will be disappointed by this news, but I do hope you manage
to secure funding elsewhere, and wish you every success with your
Roger Budd
Country Manager Sweden"
Fred/ Sincerely
Shoreditch Town Hall
1. A short story by James Ballard.
I’ll tell you later on.
2. A place.
As many of the public buildings in the middle of their refurbishment course, Shoreditch Town Hall hides spaces very diverse to each other. From a main hall, finely decorated, to wider rooms, normally used for temporary events, and finally a underground heart, a labyrinth basement.
Used in the past as the “engine” of the upper building, with its offices, archives, cells and kitchens, today, this spooky cellar conserves the signs of a frantic human activity, suddenly stopped and encrusted by a thick layer of mold.
Reflecting on the vital cycles of architectural spaces, on the human imprint they preserve in respect of any over-imposed twisting, I will ask the artists to formulate “site-concerned” projects.
The next meeting is fixed for Friday, May the 4th, at 10.50am just outside Shoreditch Town Hall, 380, Old Street. If you are interested in this project, your presence is absolutely required, please try not to be late…..
By Underground or rail: Liverpool Street or Old Street stations (10 minutes walk from either). Shoreditch Station on the East London Line operates during rush hours only.
By Bus: Routes 5, 22A, 35, 47, 48, 55, 67, 78, 149, 242 and 245 stop nearby.
I’ve activated a new account for this show, please, add it to your contacts.
If you need to contact me, my number is
I’ll see you soon
Valentina Ferrandes
Building The Library Of Self Help
I'm Trying to create an archive of books that relate to experiences.
if you would be willing, i need as many people as possible to send me a short Email Suggesting
A book which has really helped them in a time of need.
Along with this, i would really like it if anyone who suggests a book could include a short paragraph about how this has helped them maybe the circumstances before hand etc.
If you would like it can be anonymous.
Email me at the_library_of_self_help@hotmail.co.uk
thanks guys, hope everyone is well.
p.s. the book doesn't have to be a self help book, just a book that's helped you.
When to go?
I've been looking at flight info and I'de like to get it all booked as soon as possible.
Faye x
Thank you.
I think May is a busy one I know a handfull of people putting in applications for various projects. But worth a last minute try today though. It's also really good to get successful for a small sum so that you can tick the box where it say have you been awarded before in your next application:)
If it doesn't work out. If we can work out how many that are going to need to transport stuff we can all get together on a van possibly. Anyone has any thoughts on the subject?
Good luck everyone and I'm sad I didn't get to the meeting yesterday :(
Dear deviants, OBSERVE!!! Meeting is NOW on sunday!
Regarding your questions David, scrap wood is usually easy to find, a lot was used in last years festival. Hugo Sterk is probably the expert on that, he spent one day in Trollhättan, then he knew all the places to find it. Regarding the beer barrels i will try and get hold of some bar owners i know in Trollhättan and see what they have to say. Maybe they can help. I will get back to you soon personally about your other questions.
Fred/ Sincerely

So as I'm a bit out of the loop up here and didn't go last year I'm asking for some local knowledge. First does anyone know of a brewery / pub I could approach to get 2 barrels of beer from (one empty, one full)? Does anyone know of a suitable site in Trollhattan I could possibly hold the race? I'm looking for a grass bank similar to Primose Hill (for all you London folk). I looked on Google Earth and it looks pretty hilly near the river. Lastly, what's the chances of getting hold of some scrap wood and tarp make a hut with? Anyone want to help build a hut with me?
I also, like a few others, am wondering when to travel to Sweden!?!
Other contributers can check out some of my past work at www.davidstamp.com. Feel free to email me through my website (don't want them nasty spammers to get me email address so I'm not going to give it here).
In need of more project participants...
I've been working on a video project for some time now, and I wonder if any of you would like to contribute. I've sent quite a few windsocks to people I know all over the world with the request that they video-document themselves catching the wind on a blustery day wherever they may be. All together, the footage will form a sort of narrative of voice travelling through space - a crude vocalization, ostensibly without the aid of dominant communication structures (e.g. satellites, phones, internet, mail, etc.).
I've already sent two windsocks to London, which some of you have already received, and it would be great if you guys could continue to pass them around to other (deviant) participants upon request. I'm so pleased with the footage I've seen so far! Anyway, if any of you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact me for more details at: emcternan@gmail.com
Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you all!
Y'a'right? Deviants?

Hello everybody! “marvelous screened summery”. Last year I felt we at least doubled the population of people in trollhatten (for most of those you meet are trolls, very friendly not at all like the ones that turn to stone in sun light in the hobbit (book)) . . . seriously the first person I met as I got of the train approached me like one of our beloved lost Hackney who are just 50p short of their bus fair home (everyday) and suffering memory problems (you asked me ten minutes ago while I was on my way to the shop, and that sweet old lady with the Zimmer frame gave you P's as you had no change) a said in my asking directions to the gallery . . .
hey call me Troll;
Gnawer of the Moon,
Giant of the Gale-blasts,
Curse of the rain-hall,
Companion of the Sibyl,
Nightroaming hag,
Swallower of the loaf of heaven.
What is a Troll but that?
It took two seconds for it to sink in . . .while my mind battled with the idea of turning around and getting back onto the train which was full of Goths, seriously I was the only non-Goth on that train, sleep deprivation had made me forget that I had been on a plane of relatively normal folk to Gothenburg, and everything had seemed normal at the station, I did believe however momentarily that Sweden was a country full of Goths who each carried with them at least one crate of beer until I noticed the tents, they then became the displaced underclass of Sweden, Like Wells’ –dites they were the backbone of Sweden fleeing some overlord on their way to god only knows where taking me the only Indian in Sweden with them, where was my gun? (I hadn’t brought a gun, I didn’t own one, Got to use a gun whilst I was in Sweden, it belonged to a guy who later shot himself, so be prepared for sheer craziness) anyway I didn’t need a gun a this point, the Goths were on an a train to a massive gothic festival, a Glastonbury sponsored by white makeup companies, a Woodstock (so nothing gets lost in translation for our fellow transatlantic death wishers) where the hippies are replaced by the marginalized and alone (I should of stayed on that train) . . . still with me? 2 second battle going on in me brain, Goths, guns, trolls, festival, American friends… Rob are you really 98? Fantastic … Joanna shouts Jay, I side step the troll, pick up my bags, swig the double proof Swedish Cider trust through my hand and Head for the pump house, the benches in town have a lively bunch of drunks watching the passing shoppers, swapping empty cans and bottles for money for the next fix for the Alcohol mafia (only one real place to get tanked in Sweden, they control the booze) I realize that this is just the sort of place you can have fun. I stop mid swig of the special pear cider which is seeming to me to be perfumed mentholated spirits, lift it from my mouth and glance at it then at the half elk half vixen character I see standing before me, I take some photos of her f**king with traffic, then she asks me to watch her stuff as she has to piss, boy this alcohol rocks, the next person I meet has the ability to make me invisible and blesses passersby’s with the ability to see around corners, I think I won’t be able to handle this show, It’s going bad already and my grip on what’s real and what’s not is tenuous at the best of times this exhibition might just send me over the edge. Crazy couple beating the shit out of each other, I mean really f**king each other up, they notice me feeling uncomfortable, film me to put me right on edge, I mean Razor with deep dark ravines (Road Runner, Wile E) on both sides, he takes my ladder and she lays into me for pimping the local girls out as a means of subsidizing my two weeks (hey an artist’s got to eat) and bring me back my LADDER, you ***K!. Convince two of my companions to jump ten meters in to a swimming pool illegally while the locals cheer at us from behind barbed wire. The next day things start getting really mad, the locals are drunk 24-7 they are up before me drinking, and I pass out before them, I start to think of them as drinking vessels, placed here to toy with me as I live my own “Better Than Life / Vanilla Sky” existence, the dogs speak French, I’m fishing for junk, old bikes and broken boats using the man I mentioned earlier, the one that shot himself as bait, waste not want not, I was not going to add another grave to the cemetery any way, better to let the cannel junk eat him, swap him for boats. Man who could make me invisible and me walk around town, follow the railway track, see so many fish eggs on the tracks, some thing to do with feeding the trains, we go to the rubbish tip to free what others throw away, two stories at once, the cemetery behind the gallery has been freshly made by this witch that’s in the show with us and her assistants, in the four weeks leading up to the show they’ve prepared and filled a field of something like 50 graves, each nameless like the soldiers sent by Slovenia to Baghdad, separating the back of the gallery from a shrine of suicides, I’m starting to love the place, I’m invisible, walking back along the tracks with bandages, bandages I need a drink. Approached again, this time to buy fat straight out of someone’s belly, not going to happen mate, I’ve seen fight club, I know what human fat is used for, the more fat people you have the more weapons you can make, whilst in the back ground I see two fellows carry away a person who just destroyed their only child in front of a live gallery audience, the crowd is shocked and camp out under Jesus who is dribbling driven made by the baby flesh that sits on the floor, three days later we move the baby flesh has started rotting, so many flies, Jesus has started to bleed, a specialist has been called in to rescue him, the local Christians are upset, I can see why, for them Jesus should of died on the cross so that all their sins could be forgiven, saving him after milking him for holy water made him into more of a cow than a god, I told them it goes around in circles, cows are well holy and Jesus is bloody lucky that we are choosing to treat him as such, whilst this is going on someone been at the graveyard they’ve upturned at least half the crucifixes, we all pitch in so as not to feel any wroth from the witch or from Christianity in general, blah blah blah I’m feeling ill, go into town pick up a girl bring her back, when she sees the hell we have unleashed in Sweden she promptly throws herself in the river dragging someone’s drunk father with her, It’s time to end this , , , lots more happened but I need a cigarette and I can’t smoke indoors.
Arts Council Funding....
Still trying to get information as to whether I should apply as normal or for an International application. The main prob with the AC is how much money they have to allocate in any given month. If you are lucky and apply in a slack month you are very likely to get the funding. Just make sure your budget is accurate and try to get as much match funding as you can...
I'm applying for air fares through the British Council, but I have applied to the BC before when I went to Japan and I didn't get any help. Good Luck!
Is anyone going to Sweden from the North? Fancy a Northern meet? email me at:
susankruse@yahoo.com if you do.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Greetings and salutations!
There is a gathering!
We have an extra super special (deviant) Art meeting next week Sunday (29th) for all participants.
This is the chance to get answers to your gold sprinkled questions, get to know old and new deviants.
If technique allows, a recollection of last year’s festival will take place in form of a marvelous screened summery. So get your act together and come, no point of being strangers when the exhibition starts.

Sunday 29th of April at 2PM @ The Biddle Bros (Builders),
Address: 88 Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0QR (Five minutes walk from Hackney Central)
Street Map:
Ps: Due to mail problems, please confirm which mail address you received this mail from!
IMPORTANT! If you cant come to the meeting, let us know you cant! (We already know some cant make it because of distance or personal reasons.) But we need final agreement on who’s coming to Sweden, in which form and for how long etc. So please inform us ASAP, as we need to make a schedules.
We thrive in your presence; hope to see you here, or there!
/deviant crew
Arriving in Sweden/Setting up your artwork!

When to go to Sweden? Last year a few artists came 4weeks before the show, some came on the private view. Some people already agreed to come early and help out with setting up the show. So the main thing to consider is your own artwork! Does it need lots of time and instructions to be completed, or is it something that happens on the time and spot? For most of you i think it is enough to come the day before the private view. (It might also be worth thinking about airline prices, sometimes its half price a day earlier or later.) / Fred
Anyone want to meet to help eachother with Arts Council Application?
Is anyone else struggling on where to start with the application?
Do you want to meet up and discuss over a coffee?
Individual fundings, British council etc.

To start with, we will soon post all the information you need to apply for funding from the British Council at this blog. You will need to download the form from their website yourself, you can do this already and be prepared for when we give you all the additional information you will need to finish the form. Love/ The Crew
See yous all in Sweden...
This is the "invite-mail" to the 2007 exhibition. Keeping a copy here for reference or if mail attachments goes wrong.
Greetings and salutations.
You have initially been accepted for The (deviant) Art Festival!
We sincerely look forward to working with you on this project.
Last year we had about 20 Artists visiting Sweden working with the show.
This year it seems like it will grow to about 40-50 Artists and more venues.
We will now start to personally get in contact with each one of you about specifics regarding your work and your engagement in the festival.
Apart from our official deviant blog, we have also created an unofficial blog: http://deviant-participants.blogspot.com/
Which you will shortly be invited to become a contributor to.
This blog is supposed to work as a message/information board for everyone involved in (deviant) Art events. Here you might ask others for help with a certain project, get knowledge about Trollhättan from former exhibitors or make announcements.
Once we’ve agreed about the details of the exhibition and what work you will be showing we will start to publish a short statement with a picture on the (deviant) Art Festival Blog for the audience, the media (last year we were covered by several newspapers, Magazines and TV) and for you to get an idea of who you will be working with. If we don’t have sufficient information in your application for these posts you will be asked to submit additional info.
The festival runs from the 14th to 29th of July. Setting up and installation will happen in the weeks before (obviously). According to your type of work we will require you to attend the festival for certain lengths of time. One of the aims of the festival is to create networks between artists form Britain and the rest of the world. We expect that all applicants will be at the festival in person at some point. We need your help; what type of festival would it be without the artists? Who will build and race the boats? Who will come up with ideas for site-specific, temporary pieces or performances? Please make every effort to come along, even if your work is 2D and you are having it shipped. It is a wonderful opportunity and a great holiday as well!
When taking part in The (deviant) Art Festival you will be expected to not only participate as an individual but also take part and support other artist’s projects. You will be asked to dedicate 3-4hours (not exactly taxing eh?) during your stay, doing Festival related jobs. i.e. serving as an invigilator/staff at the venues, photographing-filming, documenting
other artist’s during their performances at various locations or simply lending a helping hand to other artist when needed.
We will try to arrange another get-together soon for applicants where we can meet and you can ask questions and get to know each other.
If you have any urgent questions not suitable for mail correspondence you can contact us on phone:
Fred Lindberg: UK: 079 10188446 Sweden: 0046 704 323340
Joanna Agerborn: UK: 079 62424741 Sweden: 0046 76 2357653
Useful links:
(deviant) website: www.deviantartfestival.com
(deviant) official blog: http://deviantartfestival.blogspot.com/
(deviant) unofficial blog, mostly for participants:
Town of Trollhättan website: http://fallensdagar.vastsverige.com/
Tourist site: http://www.visitsweden.com
In the meantime, please read the information below carefully, Yours deviantly,
Fred and Joanna
The (deviant) Art Festival Venues I: The Contemporary Museum/ Gallery: Konsthallen
This is the biggest exhibition space included in the 2007 (deviant) Art Festival.

Konsthallen have had a broad variety of international shows with artists such as Yoshio Nakajima, Bill Brandt, Vassil Simittchiev, Joseph Beuys, Heber Springs, Bernd und Hilla Becher, Dan Wolgers, Hiroshi Koyama and Robert Heusser just to mention a few.
The (deviant) Art Festival Venues II: The Pumphuset Gallery
This space was the main gallery at the 2006 festival.

The Pump house was built in 1907 and was used as a pump station for Trollhättans first water cleansing facility, in the early 70’s the massive pump machinery was taken out of the building that would still be kept in its original state because it was labelled as “culture heritage”.
Since then the Pump house stood empty until the Trollhättan contemporary museum (Konsthallen) decided to use this building as an additional exhibition space during the summer season.
The (deviant) Art Festival Venues III: MOCAP (Museum Of Contemporary Art Periphery)
MOCAP is a somewhat conceptual Gallery placed in the centre of Trollhättan; the Gallery consists of monitors and speakers in a shop window facing the main shopping street.
This space is dedicated to time based medium and film works.
The (deviant) Art Festival additional Venues:
Photo work will be shown at “The Brick Wall” in the Community Centre. We are planning happenings and performances with various artists in the river, the town square, the deep Trollhättan woods and some islands located in the river next to one of the venues . There are also plans to have a “Projection Gallery” space solely showing recently produced artists films. Also there will be a poetry and music performance night in a Jazz bar, intervening with the ongoing “Waterfall (/beer) Festival and of course “The Beginning” and “The End of Deviancy” party’swill take place as usual.
For this we have already received some funding. We are planning to have one shipment leaving London going to Trollhättan-Sweden and back. Artists will be required to provide us with their artworks in London before shipment date (not yet decided). At this point we are not planning any shipping payouts to individual artists. This may change pending on success with our fund hunt.
Apart from some shipping funding we have also have secured money for various publications i.e. flyers, posters ads and a catalogue. We will need images for these, more to follow…
Funding for travel & living expenses for artists has been applied for but nothing is certain at this point. If we receive any of these funds we will distribute them as “refunds” a.s.a.p in a “first come, first served” manner. i.e. Let us know when you have made your arrangements and booked your tickets and you will be placed on a “possible refund” list.
Just like last years festival we are looking for Artists eager enough to pay for their own expenses, it proves to attract the more dedicated people and, as suggested, going to the festival in Sweden is not that expensive and a great summer trip!
If you have any special reasons why you would have more trouble with this than any of the other artists, let us know and we will take these specific reasons into consideration.
Trollhättans Camping Hjulkvarnelund, A city campsite in a forest setting, yet right in the middle of town! This site is located a short walk from shops, restaurants and only a 2 minute walk from The Pump House Gallery.

This is where most of the (deviant) Art Festival participants will stay during the exhibition.
The campsite has modern kitchen, bathroom and toilet facilities but there Is also a bathhouse with several pools close to the camping.

Camp site slots for tents, caravans, vans etc. is £10/Night.
This price is not each, i.e. 4 people in tent equal £2.50 each.
2-4 person tents are available in Trollättan stores from £15
2-5people cabins with beds are also available at Trollhättan Camping.
Per bed, per night: £10 (Each person pays this price, cabins must be full.)
Contact Address:
Trollhättans Camping Hjulkvarnelund.
Kungsportsvägen 7, 461 39 Trollhättan, Sweden
Phone: 0046 (0)520-306 13
Fax: 0046 (0)520-329 61
Mail: folketspark.trollhattan@telia.com
Web: http://www.camping.se/templates/product____232.aspx?prodId=2898
STF Hostel Centrally situated in Trollhättan. (10 min walk from Pumphuset Gallery and main Museum.) Self-catering in the kitchen or breakfast can be served. Double or family rooms. Common showers and toilets. Close to the train station in the centre of Trollhättan.
Price: Per bed, per night: £9.55-12.75 (135 - 180 SEK)
Contact Address:
Trollhättans Vandrarhem (Hostel)
Tingvallavägen 12, 46132 Trollhättan, Sweden
Phone: 0046 (0)520 129 60
Fax: 0046 (0)520 388 50
Mail: trollhattansvandrarhem@telia.com
Web: http://www.svenskaturistforeningen.se/
We will provide you with contact info on other artists so you can book cheaper accommodation together. We have also set up a discussion forum blog where you can all exchange ideas and tips, remember that 20 of the artists were in Sweden last year and can provide you with knowledge about the festival. We will naturally also be available to help out if you run in to
complications regarding your arrangements.
From £60 return ticket, London-Gothenburg with Ryan Air.
From £45 return ticket, London-Gothenburg with Fly Me.
(Both prices are including taxes, looked up in March 2007.)
IMPORTANT! The longer you wait booking your ticket the more expensive it might get.
Airport coach, Gothenburg airport-Gothenburg Central station: £3.50
Train from Gothenburg Central station to Trollhättan Central, £5
Join us by the Trollhätte´ River for some Art, solitude or maybe a nice cold beer!

The (deviant) Art Festival, Sweden 2007.
hi everyone, by the way!
hello everybody,
I have purchased 2 slide projectors.
one has a straight carosel the other has a round one so can continuously show slides.
they both work.
I am thinking about a peice of work to do with them both but, as it stands they could be used at the festival by an artist perhaps.
Just to let you know